Aelussa's Creative Space

Stuff and things and other randomness

About Aelussa

I'm an artist who has recently gotten back into making art after a long time away from it. This website is part of an effort to get past my creative block and lack of motivation and start making things again. 

I also play lots of video games (sometimes I like to pick up lots of new games to play, but sometimes I just deep-dive into Diablo or WoW for months on end or re-play Mass Effect for the 10th time) and I might talk about those on my blog occasionally. Sometimes I might also talk about things that aren't my creative projects or video games. It's my website, you can't stop me.

The night elf you see in pictures around the site is my namesake, and has been my WoW main for 10+ years. If you think it's weird to call someone by the name of one of their video game characters, you can also call me Chris. I guess using real names online is a thing people do these days.

Meet Carter, my perpetual licking machine

I enjoy reading and watching movies, I love dogs (my Instagram is my main repository for pictures of my dog) I love space (do you have a favorite moon? Mine's Enceladus, because water volcanoes that are actively creating rings around Saturn. How cool is that?) and I have a non-professional but occasionally obsessive interest in science and technology. I think this is where I'm supposed to say I enjoy long walks on the beach, but I live in the American Midwest, so there aren't any real beaches for like a thousand miles.

I try to be active on Twitter, and you're welcome to follow me there if you want to. I'm also one of those strange, mysterious people who actually uses Google+, but I keep my posts locked because I use it as a safe space to interact with my friends in private, so if you add me to your circles, I'm probably not going to add you back if I don't know you. It's nothing personal. I also probably won't friend you if you manage to hunt down my Facebook account, because I hate Facebook and never use it. If you want to contact me and get a response, Twitter or email are your best bets.