Aelussa's Creative Space

Stuff and things and other randomness

Other Projects

One-off projects that don't fit into any other categories will go here.

Android Icons

This is a set of Android app/folder icons based on Google's material design guidelines. Each icon uses one of Google's material icons for its center graphic. I created them so I could have a consistent look across the app folders on my phone's home screen, so it's a small pack that's made up of only the icons you see here. If there's demand for it, I might expand this icon set in the future. If you want an icon in this style that isn't included here, let me know what color and graphic you want it to have (preferably one of the colors in Google's material guidelines and a graphic from Google's material icons set) and I'll see what I can do.

You can download the icon pack here. Sorry, no app. It's just a zip file, so you'll need a way to get the image files onto your phone (I like Airdroid) and a launcher that lets you manually change app/folder icons.