Aelussa's Creative Space

Stuff and things and other randomness

Mario Maker

Is this thing on? *tap* *tap* *feedback tone*



Welcome to my little corner of the web.

For anyone who somehow found their way to this page and has no idea who I am, hi! I'm Aelussa. That night elf you see in pictures around the site is also Aelussa: my namesake, my main WoW character, and a focal point of most of my online identity for the last decade or so. That fact should probably be more embarrassing to me than it is. (Don't tell her I said that. She has daggers, and they're stabby.) Oh, you can also call me Chris. Real names are a thing people do on the internet these days, I guess.

My blue, pointy-eared alter ego

I'm trying to be an artist and a game creator, and I created this website as part of an effort to motivate myself to get off my butt, stop slothing around, make more things, and finish the projects I start on. The idea being that maybe if I have a place to show off the stuff I make, I'll be more likely to keep making it. Will it work? Who knows! There's only one way to find out.

You can navigate the site via the menu bar at the top. It's a bit content bare at the moment and not all of the pages have things on them yet. I'm working on it. In the immediate short term, most of the things I put up are probably going to be sketchesdrawings, and Mario Maker levels. (Please star my levels if you like them.) Longer term, I have some bigger game projects I'm working on that I'll talk more about when I have something I'm ready to show. I might also use this blog for writing and discussing topics I'm interested in when inspiration strikes. If you're on Tumblr, I'll probably be re-posting everything from this blog there (because this platform makes it easy to do that, so why not?) and I'm also going to try to be more active on Twitter than I have been.

Okay, now that the introductions are out of the way, time to get to work. I just hope you're not reading this a year from now and this post is still the only thing on this site.